
Welcome To Jinx &
Tygger's Page!
I am a frequent visitor to the following News Groups: alt.animals.
feline, alt.med.fibro, alt.pets.ferrets, and alt.support.arthritis, because I have an
interest in each of these groups. I was diagnosed with RA almost 4 years ago, Fibromyalgia
3 years ago, along with Sjoren's, Raynauds Syndrome, Osteopenia, and a variety of other
diseases, some caused as side effects from the numerous drugs that I am on. I have found
that the NG has helped me deal with alot concerning these diseases.

I am proudly owned by 3 teenagers (well, maybe not too proudly!) 3
Ferrets, 2 Cats, 1 Iguana, and assortment of salt water fish, and oh, yeah, a husband.

A little about my cats, Jinx & Tygger. Jinx is a 3 year old orange, long-haired tabby, weighs about 18 lbs.
and she really doesn't like men too much after getting her spayed, and she doesn't
tolerate small children at all. But she loves me, her mamma, I guess because I spoil her
rotten, she is very tolerant of Tygger, Buzz, Woody & Miss Tizzy, and is very gentle
with them. Now, as for men or small children, she will hiss, growl, slap at and try to
bite them if they come anywhere near her. I think that it was a combination of the
vet(male), and a torturous teenage son that made her hate men so much. Before she was
spayed, she was inseperable from my husband, and now he isn't allowed anywhere near her.
There was one day in March, that Jinx surprised Bob by jumping on
his lap. Surprised us all, actually. Jinx also likes to watch Buzz, it really amuses her.

Tygger is a 2 year old short-haired brown
tabby, weighs about 5 lbs., and loves everyone. She was purchased from a pet store after I
got attached to her when she insisted on cleaning my hand and wouldn't stop. She loves the
kids, men, you name it as long as "IT" is human! Tygger
thinks that my ferrets are her latest hot lunch, and cannot be let out of the basement
while the ferrets have their "free-time". She has gotten ahold of both boys at
one time or another under close supervision, she was that quick.

Gizmo was my daughters cat a couple years
ago,(3/94-10/22/95) she was well loved by all, the most perfect cat that you could have.
She died less than a month after being declawed. She never recovered from the surgery. We
were unaware that she had Feline Leukemia, and the stress of the surgery caused it to
become active. The vet should have tested her for it before surgery, but didn't, she was
very healthy and active before declawing. It broke all of our hearts to watch her die.

Lurch is an iguana, almost 6 years old and 4
ft. long. He is a big baby, has never tried to bite or tail whip me (another story about
the torturous teenage son), he loves frozen vegetables, canned cat food, carrot cake and
pizza. He use to love spinach, but now won't touch it or lettuce. He has a permanent
broken toe from a female iguana we had at one time. She would attack him horribly, bite,
hiss and tail whip us, and we finally gave her away to someone that didn't have another
iguana, and she is doing fine. Lurch use to eat crickets, but he eventually out grew his
taste for them and decided to keep them as pets. I don't know how much he weighs, but he
has a very strong, muscular body, and enjoys high places like the top of the curtain rod.
He's getting too heavy for it now, but that doesn't stop him!

Buzz, Woody & Miss Tizzy are, well, ferrets, and the most wonderful
pets anyone could possibly have. I decided to dedicate a page solely to them, which you
can read about them by clicking the links in their names below.

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