Buzz & Woody's Pics!

Finally, Pictures of the boys! I'm new at scanning, actually it took me more than a week to figure it out enough to get these pictures. I will have pictures of my newest addition, Miss Tizzy, adopted at Ferret Quest 98, May 16th, here in Michigan, from Rainbow River Ferretry. She will be 4 yrs. old in June, a retired breeder. She is a red-eyed albino, and a little sweetheart. Has to weigh less than 2 lbs. Looks like a midget compared to the boys! Buzz is the one on the left, Woody on the right. They do enjoy their wrestling matches!

"Let's Rumble!"

"I can take ya!"

Buzz had gotten really sick back in early February, I thought that he just had a cold, because he was coughing on occasion, so I treated him for a cold. Then he got lethargic, and refused to eat. Took him to the vet and he had blood work and x-rays. Turned out that he had 2 large hairballs in his stomach, from biting my long-haired cat, Jinx. So we tried low quantities of whipping cream, lots of "duck soup", and by now he has lost a lot of weight (he lost 1/2 his body weight, went from 2.5 lbs. to 1.1 lbs) and had to be forced fed every 4 hours around the clock. His fluids had to be replaced twice because of dehydration. I wasn't getting enough fluids in him. I thought for sure that he wasn't going to pull through. He had hairball removal surgery Feb. 19th, I brought him home 2 days later. I still had to handfeed him Science Diet Prescription, but he still wouldn't take liquids on his own, and put up quite a fight when I forced it on him. Then I got and idea! He loved the whipping cream that was given to him before the surgery, why not highly dilute it so that he was getting the flavor, the fat content, and the fluids without getting an upset stomach over it. He loved it, and started drinking on his own. He still gets the whipping cream concoction today. But, he still couldn't walk, and would whimper if I tried setting him up on his hind legs. He would drag his body over to the litterbox, then wait for me to lift his hind end over the edge. Took him back to the vet twice, and he was given a prednisone shot each time, and the vet said that he was just a delicate little fellow that was suffering pain a little more than usual. By that night, he was walking on his own!

Buzz now won't let me out of his sight when he is out of the cage. He follows me around with his bright excited eyes, and I can't believe that this is the same little guy that I almost lost. I can't help myself, but I must pick Buzz up and give him a kiss. He loves his ferretone, and gets into some pretty weird positions. But, as you can see, Buzz is feeling much better now! Now that Buzz is much heavier than Woody, he has decided to challenge for "Alpha" position. Poor Woody! He has been established as Alpha all along, and was constantly beating up on Buzz, and now Buzz can take him! What is really funny, though, is even though Buzz has the best of Woody, Buzz whimpers like a little puppy the whole while! Woody dooks the whole time, so he must be enjoying himself, and with Buzz crying, you would think that Woody had the best of him!

"I know it's gotta be in here!"


"Good night!"

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