Meet Miss Tizzy!

First pictures of Miss Tizzy taken at Ferret Quest her in Michigan on May 16th. Miss Tizzy will be 4 years old on June 15th, she is a retired breeder from Rainbow River Ferretry. Her first litter of kits was 11! Hard to imagine all those kits fitting into her little body! She had a total of 3 litters before she was retired.

It was love at first site. I already had a ferret all picked out at another ferretry/shelter, had them holding her for me, then I seen Miss Tizzy! I couldn't leave without her! We had a long, hot day at Ferret Quest, luckily I brought the carrier, food, water and ice along to help keep her cool. But we had lots of fun!!

My 13 year old daughter Candice won't be too thrilled to know that her picture is on my web page, but she must have her picture taken with Miss Tizzy, too! I had a long list of possible names if I decided to adopt a ferret, but Miss Tizzy seems to fit her already given name, so I kept it. No need to confuse her now!

The daughter again. I keep in touch with Miss Tizzy's previous owners, have felt free to ask them anything about her past, just recently found out that she wasn't descented, which is fine by me, because if a ferret is spayed or neutured, I see no sense in descenting. The previous owners told me that Miss Tizzy was like popcorn, bouncing all over the place. How true! She can out dance both boys, and they are younger than her. Her favorite game is to attack Tyggers toes from underneath the basement door. She will sit very still, with her tail wagging a mile a minute, and the second Tyggers feet come under the door, bite, bite, bite the kitty toes! I believe Miss Tizzy is making Tygger a little leery of ferrets, which is a good thing, since she likes sneaking up from behind and attacking them!

Grandma had to get into the act, too! You may remember me posting on the NG that Grandma first believe that ferrets were mean and shouldn't be kept as pets, but after visiting with Buzz & Woody one afternoon, she officially became their grandmother. Now I must let the boy's, and Miss Tizzy, of course, visit with her when she visits. She just loves ear kisses!

And for those of you wondering, that is me and Miss Tizzy after a long day at Ferret Quest. We were both tired and hot, she was licking the top of my empty pepsi bottle. When I got her home, I let her into the boys cage, she headed straight for a hammock, and was sound asleep in minutes. Just made herself at home. I also had bought a new cage that day, so, while I was setting up the hammocks, baskets and towels in it, I placed a sleeping Miss Tizzy in it, so that her smell would be in the new cage for when I introduced the boys to the new cage. She slept the rest of the night, I placed the boys in with her after their play time, they sniffed her out and curled right up with her. There was a little power play the next day, Buzz pulled her around by her neck for about 2 minutes, she whined and he let go, now they are best buddies. Well, actually, Buzz & Woody are best buddies, but I find Buzz and Miss Tizzy sleeping together all the time, Woody sometimes will give up his spot on the 1 of 3 hammocks so that Miss Tizzy can curl in with Buzz! Woody now has decided that he likes meat flavored treats,(never did before)and now will beat up Buzz and Miss Tizzy! They aren't always sweet, though, all 3 can get into pretty rough wrestling matches, Buzz is always the victor, but, he whines the most also. Right now Miss Tizzy is laying on top of Woody in the hammock, both are asleep, and Buzz is on top of both of them giving them thorough baths. I expected trouble trying to integrate them, but there was no trouble. It's as if Miss Tizzy has been here all along! Hopefully, I will have better pictures of her to post here, in the meantime, these will have to do. I can't imagine my life without the 3 of them now.

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